
Call for Papers
Special issue of Gragoatá: Comparatismo Sul-Sul: problemas e perspectivas

The Global South, 19.1, to be published in Spring 2026

Speaking from the South
The University of Adelaide
31 May—4 June 2024

Jarvis McInnis's essay,  "A 'Reorder of Things' in Black Studies: Sacred Praxis, Phono(geo)graphy, and the Counter-Archive of Diaspora," was awarde

Workshop on World Literature and Law

Date: 13th and 14th August, 2023

"Global Internationalism," edited by Josep Maria Antentas, in Labor History 63.4 (2022), with contributions from Katherine Nastovski, Katy

European Labour History Network

Labour & Empire Working Group

Call for Papers for a special issue of Bandung: Journal of the Global South, titled "Remembering a Tricontinental Past: Narratives and Art

Global South Hub @Center for Social Science Research George Mason University
First Global South Graduate Student Conference

Pacha: Revista de Estudios Contemporáneos del Sur Global has released calls for papers along three subject areas:

“New Critical Directions in Global South Studies,” edited by Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra and Anne Garland Mahler, in Comparative Literature Studies
